Tuesday 17 July 2012

Got Goals? Getting organized can help you reach them!

It is already half way through summer, and just two more months before school starts in the fall! What have you accomplished?  Is there stuff you still want to do but just haven't gotten to it yet?

For me, I still have a long list of things to do for the summer, and really need to focus if I want to get these things done!

So if you are like me then here are some TIPS that might get you back on track!

1.  Make a list

Making lists are always a good idea and can have many benefits.  Having a long list can make you feel like you have got to get these things done ASAP!  This way you will start  getting things done. Also having a list allows you to check off what you accomplished and feel awesome in the process (YES I JUST DID THAT!).  Lists can also keep track of your progress, and keep you organized!

If you do not have a To-Do List, that is the first thing you need to do!

2.  Set Goals

Setting goals will help you progress and eventually reach your destination.  This include timelines, specific tasks, and constant motivation.  If you do not know how to set goals that's okay!  I will post my Steps To Goal Setting soon, that will help you attain your goals!

3.  Make yourself accountable!

Tell people what you want to do!  The key to this is to pick a person important in your life that you do not want to disappoint.  This way you will have a horrible feeling of guilt hanging over your head if you do not do what you said you would!  I hate disappointing people, so I make sure I get the job done fast, and well to make myself look awesome!

4.  Start plotting things on a calender

Having a calender of things to show what you have to do can keep you on track.  When you look at an empty calender you may realize you actually have so much time to fill and can be doing something productive.  Filling up your calender can keep you on schedule in finishing your tasks, but more importantly make you seem like you are a super busy, super focused, super important person!

5.  Start now! 

If you want to get in shape, or learn how to play the ukulele do it now!  Like I said, half the summer is over so get on it!  If you want to hang out with friends you haven't seen in a long time, call them up!  Make plans with them to go to Wonderland or go to the beach and go on a crazy adventure.

Leave a comment on what you have to do in the summer still!

I want to learn how to do YOGA!

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